Historic, Archive Document
Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.
Oe ee ee ey
A. B. Katkamier Macedon, N. Y.
Dedicated To All Who Enjoy the Great Out of Doors Particularly Those who Love Beautiful Flowers
About the only way to have plenty of flowers in late fall and early winter is to grow Chrysanthemums. They are easy of culture and the hardy varieties come before the killing frosts. Adironda—Bronze, aster type, golden reverse Algonquin—Called the best yellow Mum .......... Argenteuillais—Bronzy flowers, tipped gold. Superb . Astrid—Single. Bloom is shell-pink and old-rose.............. 15
Autumn Lights—Coppery-bronze and gleaming orange ...... 15 Bronze Button—Very productive of flower heads... .......... A5 Burgundy—Rich crimson with deeper tone in center .......... eho Canary—-Aster flowered deep yellow. ......... ........... 15 Capt. Cook—A brilliant shade of rose pink ........ ewe. TAS Chestnut Bur—Deep chestnut red...... .............ec eee cee 5 Clara Curtis—Bushy habit. Deep rose- -pink AOWETS iirc oe 15 Crimson Glery—Early pompon, very bright crimson ........... 15
Dazziler—Cardina] red
Eden—Bright rose .
Frances Whittlesey—Rich bronze and garnet Tee EOS 7 ae 15 Glomero—Medium size, orange, rose sheen hang Soo eae ties 15 Granny Scoville—Warm coral bronze color. Large ........... 15 HABE WeRe——GOOG= DrOuzes. =. a ge a a a ee 215 Indian Maid—Deep orange LOY -COtGRA wes ase he a Ge eas A Rs Lridescent—Combines various shades of yellows and pinks here: 15 Jean Cummings—Large, pure white flowers ................ 15 Jean Treadway—Pink with dark center, beautiful foliage...... 15 King Midas—Yellow, one of the best... .. ................... 15 Lilian Doty—Good deep pink. A standby. Ball shaped........ 15 Little Bob—Early. Profusion bronze-red buttons ............. 15 Marion Hatton—Very early canary yellow. Excellent......... 15 Mary Pickford—White, tiny flowers in great clusters.......... 15 Murilla—Old rose, floriferous and always admired............. 15 Muskegee—Early, purplish-rose. Compact, bushy growth .... 15 Old Gold—Orange yellow, deepening to old gold at center..... 15 Orchid Beauty—Orchid with deeper tone in center............ 15 Ouray—Dark mahogany. 2% inches in diameter............... 15 Provence—Soft pink, blended yellow eS ae tae eae 15 Rapture—Deep orange-bronze with carmine suffusion ........ 15 Red Flare—The first bright red garden variety. Floriferous. 15 Piikeiot— wart lght<pink <:,.>..ca0 5 eee 15 Romany—Carmine red -with-gold-reverse.)... a eee os 15 Rose Beauty—Deep rose, button type ......................... 15 Rosy Gem—Bright pink or rose color......................... 15
Ruth Cummings—Rich reddish bronze. Best all around variety ‘15 Ruth Hatton—Clear ivory white when fully opened
Summer Gold—Large, beautiful golden yellow. ............... 15 Sunkist—Bright dark orange, early........................... 15 Vivid—Color American Beauty Rose.......................... 15 WelowieGem—button type. 2 -..-. ass ee 15 Hardy Singles Cavauer—Deep— wine —“colors...-. 35 on. Ss es $ .15 Sremmeater—Grimson - scarlet os ss dow cscs sc dni Oe ek 15 Indian Maid—Deep orange terra-cotta....................00.. A5 Louise Schling—Glowing salmon red, bright yellow center...... 15 Sun Flower—Rich orange yellow....................0ccccueee 15 Early Flowering Cushion Varieties Pane Cuno | A Melia o.oo oat tee Sn ck $ .15 Erase Ct USNIOn A WONG tek ee oe a ee es AS Savete wen, 6 SO TSO Mt 75 ONG ee ee ae a he oe 15 Seatartce maniOn= Atm Clie -rr.< 5. .06 eee . Pe a eee 15 NinitecOushion. Ameliat-.-... 22. «acta ce ee 15 Koreans ATO — PONG 2reO Set een 58 a oe en eee a oe oe $ .15 Ceres—Old gold blended with yellow.......................... 15 PIMP — VA Ca LORE Sse PU Saisaiy oe ROO as Wie Fin vw asd GORE AS are —liGen sAMAranth< Ted oo cco) tensenssd warts eocie a m0) cians ew pee 15 semncemre——- WW Nike «tinted... DINK ooo. fs. cee ee cn twa ee 15
Gorgeous Oriental Poppy
I like Oriental Poppies—even the “old fashioned red.’”’ A clump of any of them will make the other flowers in the garden “stand out” in a way to be talked about. They bloom freely and do well in any sunny spot in the garden. An established clump will bear a dozen or more flowers, of gigantic size and gorgeous coloring, varying from crushed raspberry to old rose, from deep red to orange, from mulberry to white and from salmon to pink.
The Oriental Poppies bloom with the Irises in happy association, forming a striking and lovely garden picture.
Fairy—Refined pure pink flowers, dainty and lovely........... $.15 Glowing Embers—Rich red, crinkled petals. Distinct foliage... .15 Lord Lambourne—Deeply fringed petals, scarlet with black.... .15 May Sadler—Immense flowers of buff pink. One of the best... .15 Mrs. Ballego—Large, salmon-pink with black spots at base..... 15 Mrs. Perry—Bright strawberry-pink. Blooms early............ 15 Olympia—Only double poppy, red petals, no blotch. Early..... 15 Orientale—Scarlet. The ‘‘old fashioned’’ variety. Vigorous.... .15 Perfection—Dark pink petals. Late blooming................. AS Perry’s White—White petals with slight touch of pink at base.. .15 Purity—tThe finest of all pink poppies. No markings.......... 15
Wurtembergia—Bright, silky red petals. Largest blooms...... 15 Oriental Poppy Plants mailed from Aug. Ist Only
Hardy Phlox
Africa—A-avery attractive-scarlet..05. 3... 5 Sate. te oe 15 Bridesmaid—White with pink eye.................. cece eee 15 Border Queen—A good grower with large, pure pink flowers...$ .15 Daily Sketch—Salmon-pink with carmine eye.................. 1 Europa—One of the white varieties with a crimson eye........ 15 , Leo Schlogeter—Large trusses, scarlet, dark crimson eye...... 15 ' Mrs. Jenkins—A fine, early pure white..................00005 15 Painted Lady—Silver-pink shaded salmon. Cherry red eye...... 15 Rheinlander—A very beautiful salmon pink................... 15 Starlight—Violet red, shading to lilac, white center............ 15 Thor—Salmon-pink shaded scarlet, analine red eye............ 15 Von Hochberg—One of the very best of the real dark reds..... $.15
Widar—Light violet, pink tinge, white center................. 15
Funkia or Plantation Lily
Subcordata Grandiflora—Pure white. Lily shaped, very fragrant.
SATan Crate Gee pis sass» = gr scat, Osa eS ol EE Seda Mineo eRe $.20 Lancifolia — Long, narrow green leaves, lilac-blue flowers.
TTC git] ge ae ee eS OP NE Po is AE Pe ne en mers Rete gaa OE 20 Variegata—Variegated foliage, blue flowers................... 25
Japanese, Kaempheri or Oriental are beautiful Iris by whatever name called. We have ten varieties with double flowers at 15 cents each. Assorted colors.
Bleeding-Heart—Grandmother’s favorite flower and no modern
HoWereet cols it in SDEaULysh noe c Haste SESE «ded etily, a ona eee $.25 Lily Bulbs Umbellatum—Rich orange red, free flowering. Large......... $.20
Trigrinum — Rich salmon-orange, spotted with glossy black, PODUSE TO WU EENY GCUILOTC aas nnotalias 2s commeinc.s tbpeas ee 6. A Tenuifolium—Coral lily, deep scarlet. Border or rock garden.. .15
A. B. Katkamier, Macedon, N. Y.
Look This List Over
You may find what you long have been searching for The Lineoln Collection For 50 Cents
(Sent Any Way You Choose)
of Eighteen Colorful, Hardy and Outstand-
You may have any one of the following group offers ing Iris only $2. sent labeled and postpaid right to your mail box. Ibright—Th w orchid-pink Iris that pleases YES, YOu may have 5 of the SERN es for $2. Ree Cataer role overlaid opalescent pink. Ruffied.. 5) s Avatar—S. buff; F. pansy violet, 3 ft. Fragrant, brilliant. . You Can t Miss Baldwin—A lovely ae ot iyinlet very large foware! i i : 19° os — y viole ikeable..... riqualenr Assorted; 4 Armeria; 4 Artemisia ATPL tet a to Dlakhish Vinten Large, good..... (Silver King oF. Lactiflora) ; 5 Real Black Eyed Churchmouse—A wonderful new color—Hay’s Brown. See it Susan; 5 Blue Flax; 4 Bachelor Button; 5 Coreopsis; Dr. C. H. Mae pak soar coe a ‘Admired: is; j : 1 Ki Tut— rownis velvety glowing r ir ; aye 2 Dn ee eae Bers Mme. Cheri—Violet ; pink and yellow undertone. Pleasing. . (Old ee ioned) ; 3 Bleeding Heart anes) 4 Del- Nymph—tThe best early yellow. Free flowering...........-.
few; 4 Gaillardia; 5 Heliopsis; 5 Helianthus: 5 Hes- Omaha—This is the nearest to red, bright orange beard..... peris; 8 Heuchera (Coral Belis); 4 Kaempheri (Jap | | Elvi, DOr (Golden Hain) Sold golden yellows io ig Iris); 4 Daisies (Elder); 4 Daisies (Shasta); 4 Rameses—New blend. S. light russet; F. tourmaline pink. . Daisies (Painted); 3 Hemerocallis Assorted; 3 Sir Galahad—S. and F. panes ole Tall, large, fragrant.. Funkia Assorted; 4 Lily Tenuifolium; 4 Tigrinum, | | Yar aiff” Clwantle pare snow wiles 0 2 5 Liatris; 4 Lathyrus; ; 5 Lanterns (Chinese); 4 Vesper Gold—Distinct yellow with soft violet flush.......... 19 Monarda; 4 Milfoil Rosea; 4 Napeta; 5 Physostegia White Queen—Snow white flower. Long blooming season.... 19 Grandiflora: 5 Pink Mullein; 5 Phlox Subulata Rosea; 4 Phlox Divaricata, Spring; 4 Phlox, Hardy Fall; 4 Poppy (Assorted Oriental) ; 5 Sedum As- sorted; 5 Sempervivum Assorted; 4 Spiderwort; 10 Tulip Bulbs Assorted; 10 Gladiolus Bulbs, Assorted; 4 Veronica Incana; 3 Violet Double Russian.
Take Notice
Make your selection now from the above described groups. They are 50 cents each or five groups for $2.
The total cost of these 18 varieties when introduced was $400.00. Now only $2. Make your garden fascinating.
“Die when I may, I want it said of me by those who knew me best, that I plucked a thistle and planted a flower wherever I thought a flower would grow.”
phinium (Chinese); 4 Delphinium (G. P.); 4 Fever- Olid Gold—A fine yellow plicata. An unusual color..........
We Are Immortal
, (Copyright 1945 A. B. Katkamier)
The most profound thought that can enter the mind is the idea of a
spirit-life beyond the grave, continuous in eternity.
The charm of the beautiful things of life and nature are a preface to the sublime features of the eventful beyond. May we all look more and more for the beautiful, ever-present in humanity and in the smallest particle of substance to the largest object in our marvelous universe.
Through the procession of the seasons, in the spirit-soul, following our separate inclination, we will be with the gorgeous iris, the appealing rose, the nodding poppy, the stately chrysanthemum. We will be with the multi- tude of other flowers, in their fascinating fragrances and colors and with each seed with its urge to reproduce, that succeeding plants may grow and bloom. In autumn, when the maturing leaves take on their lovely tints, there we will be with each Nature-painted leaf.
We will be with the curve of the rainbow with its hues of promise, with the rose-tints of the morning and with the resplendent sunset with its deep purples, its iridescent greens, its reds, its gold and its cerulean blue.
We will be with the balmy breeze, the refreshing water, the invigorating air, the impressive mountain, the pleasant valley, the picturesque landscape, the fruitful soil, the tasteful, nourishing foods, the boundless sea, the bril- liant evolving light of the sun, the quiet light of the moon and with the countless stars sparkling in endless space—there we will be to appreciate and wonder.
We will be with the cheerful song of birds, with hearty laughter and with the musical harmony of all melodious sounds.
We will be with the art of the mind and the artistry of the hand, with the glad greeting of friends, the responsive touch of personality, the pro- vocative flash of eyes, the ecstatic kiss of lovers, the smiles of children, the bouyancy of youth, the comforting caress of mothers and with the under- standing fellowship of fathers.
We will be in the happiness of conversation, the inspiration of encour- aging words, the performance of neighborly deeds—wherever there is will- ing help, steadfast RANE confiding faith, thoughtful kindness and the thrill of joy.
Being awakened ys the grandeur of Nature, the good in people and the reality of Diety, is Heaven on earth.
When we go hence the chemical elements of our natural body will merge into the earth-dust from whence they came. This change will carry on for our mortal being, the cycle of the progress of physical growth which marks the ever changing development of combined organic and inorganic matter activated by the life-creative mystery-energy.
God is a Spirit and His spirit vibrant-impulses radiate from His spirit- soul and permeate to the uttermost parts of everywhere and find a pulsating response in everything. The vibrant-impulses of our spirit-soul—our con- sciousness—infiltrate and attune to God’s vibrant-impulses and we are par- takers of His Divine presence. Where God’s spirit-soul is, our individual, ever-living spirit-soul will be also.
And thus, in passing from our earth-life, we explore, each in our differ- ing, quickened comprehension, the unknown mystical future, continuing and advancing our soul spirit-life, sharing with all mankind, the splendors and satisfactions of eternal bliss. This is Heaven of the spirit.
For the Life of Yesterday goes on Today and throughout all Time.
Let us meditate on these things each morning and each evening.
A. B. Katkamier, Macedon, N. Y.
Cluny—Tall, early, large blossoms. Wisteria violet. Fragrant. 19 Pri : H dr d Colias—Beautiful yellow self. Free flowering. ......-.--+++:*"" 19 King Lear—Ton is 5 ; Bties r A | i peeves Here Are LUMGLEGS — | SenciabarsPurpie borat nee ene 8) Hing Hidas Tana Much Se gold Ragland: 1200000000000 Ta. | tkmeser wow blend. 8. licht rueet; F. tourmaline pini.-.<_ 19 400 varieties of qhere are sur Exhibition rie Lhe Neptune Collection—$1.52 for $1 of varieties of Iris from which to select the colors to onquistador—Lavender, violet. Tall, large, fragrant....---> °° : King Tut—S. brownish; F. velvety glowing red. Admired..... set 19 Rameldo—Brownish petunia violet. Unusual...... Seen 1, * ELE s 1bition iris | | Tennyson plucked a flower from the wall, held it in his hand and oe Co rR der- Ki wen oD H paint your garden picture. The Master Artist gave the eee ustre—A sensation; copper luster with gold-tan un 29 pares o: deep yellow; F. velvety red-brown....... Fen eae 9 Ramona—Petunia violet, orange buff blend. Fragrant. Good... .19 Gardens. aot f | ‘ound it a beautiful mystery. He declared that if he coud only : : f all colors, that Eon iasnhe One Sep eRe eee ee nee a Seen sea nares -2:° cm ochi—Rich, silky dark red purple. Barly. Scented............ ‘19 Red Cloud—S. rich rosy lavender-bronze; F. velvety maroon- Many of these varieties we have in our fields in | nderstand that little flower, he could understand man and Gi: Iris so many hues, tints and shades of all cok S, opeetamith Glows coppery-red in sun. Floriferous. Fragrant. - i BKVo Ayres—Sott tan-bod light blue, taint, ware pink under: Faced aN a he eee a EMM Sake so 19 antity and thus offe theafollow aH Did you ever study an Iris bloom? it is rightly called the Rainbow Flower. Some tower Palen dee raspberry-red +. 2.222 see ee eesen eee 719 FAN Sahlac oho Sate a aacie a doCCecnboet doar october Acro 19 Red Cross—Yellow toned blend, venated maroon................ .19 large quantity r you e rollowing won- | _ Duke of Bedford, Neptune, Senlac, Edgewood, Rhcinguuperte, Be The Gard Orchid. The Iris oronation—Uniform deep yellow. Does not fade ....---. sous tag L’Aiglon—Tall, large, very handsome deep bronzy blue violet... .19 eRed Dominion—A clear intense garnet red, almost a self. L: derful collections. Zanardelle, Henri Rivere and Troost. lovers refer to the Iris as The Garden Ure PordonbBleuc Satine tbluc- violets Rich effect ass “eetae- Labi : : or , arge .39 i ie seeks : : = war < iny blue violet. Rich effect in mass.....- 19 abor—Color effect, burnished red copper. Beautiful........... 19 Red Flare—Brilliant blood-red; golden beard................... 29 Every collection is made up of outstanding Iris varie. : has a wider color range than any other flower. — Corrida—Sky blue. Perfect form, frilled. Late. Fragrant....-- Lady Paramount—Sof F ; : : : ‘ 1€ ° A in : i ou BS See a Gree deck : , i, aper .99 ih ount—Soft primrose yellow............. SeDiatyesie als +29 Red Radiance—New rich glowing red...................2...... -19 ties that are not only beautiful but they have attrac The Perfection Collection. $1 52 for $1 To briefiy describe all the varieties of Iris in our S «gel iby eine aves S. and F, a like crepe P AIG panliege—A well formed cream white flower. Fragrant........ 19 Red Wing—Brilliant red. S. light reddish-wine; F. deeper red.. .19 , lant d fl li y Uy = f p1.d4 LOF » Gardens would take several issues of “Iris News. cle er esis eS ue hee - that is very Le seared sacbers Coane ei ge | old gold, mustard yellow, brown and mauve Refulgence—Two shades of violet-blue with bronze. Blooms late .39 tive plant an ower personality. The way to live long, some doetors say, is to have a chronic dis- ‘] h : f oe any variety Grimuon! Kino AED Ca 2 a ade nrc a 49 PP na ea oe Oe Pe Ae woah gs es Riedy ot 420 0urs attra Ro heak 19 Reverie—s.. buff wi). deepepink. yan). fn sces aero eee os -19 An Iris garden in bloom flashes a magnificence of light and color | case—and then coddle it under expert guidance. Have a garden of We will meet the price of any grower on an. Cr er Cie A dark red purple and cecal . “19 ate White—There’s a place for a white late Iris............... 19 Rhea—S. lobelia violet; F. pansy violet..................... 19 beyond the power of words to express. Iris and really live longer. not listed here. Include same with your order. a erp ls. qeswe Doren’ ragrante ns + 0°" "19 LS A. Willlamson—8. and F, velvety violet purple. Scented. ..... .19 Rhein Nixe—S. white; F. pansy violet. Large, late. Scented... 119 The French botanist Tournefort nearly 300 years ago named the _ Bruno, Baron Kochi, Indian Chief, Cascanet, L. A. Williamson, e following are descriptions of a few hundred AS EN SE Ne eat eC a 19 aura Hutcheson—Spring and Fall. Purple and gold............ 19 Rheingauperle—Soft pink Orchid........................... m9 Iris the “Rainbow Flower.” A rainbow is beautiful but it rer Bluet, Perfection and Harpalion. s p Curiosity—Dwarf, gray, olive veining. Fragrant.......- Lenzschn ; . F : never varieties of Iris growing in quantity in our fields. The Cyanea—Dwarf. Metallic-purple. Fragrant for Rock Garden. . ay Ladhiden ee RA abe: ge Ore Soe Fetes = Bigeye, Amoena. S. subdued white; F. violet, ligh | Bree ite 8 Its rite is ae the aeeae Its seven colors are always i’s End Collecti $15 ¢ . m8 oF Piers ila Sa ree . eth Benes, *cbant a . ge beard.. Tall... ...2.005 19 margined) 25) ay: TI Se eee et TRON AE wii haa 6 19 ually spread, varying only in density to agree with tl antity | eae prices are adjusted to meet the desire of thos e who Pag een nb; & meddeaibarale, Scented. « - a HecpeleDwrart. Blue purple. Also blooms in fall. Scented.... .19 Rheintraube—Brilliant very blue color bicolor. Late ............ 19 | of rain drops. g i 1e quantit; | Tral Ss 4 n /O ec 1on- d 1.52 for ¢ 1 wish to beautify the home surroundings at little cost. SURNAME glowing red sult with very velvety falls... “19 Portis os Bloons, for Memorial Day. Scented. Valuable.. .19 Ringdove—S, deep lavender to olive lake; F. lavender violet.... .19 | But the hues, tints and shades of colors vary in the Iris with each | At the eases ore ace agetes ee win friends, Nees Oe In answer to many questions the following informa- Dawn—Early free flowering, Marguerite yellow. Sweet scented. er Ticats ries pire S aa mento ee pe Large... on aaa eed aN ee wale pg ns veterans 2.00 | of if ms blr Biase eeoanane perry desta No other flower | MON eee eterimrote wethecind of Be ee Dane Phin nore : : . : + as mces A § Deli ane i sek 5 oe ; s | MAPEED) LED) VAIOLEU she Fs 1 ate tahe . omeo—S. citron yellow; }. lilac V-shaped center. nique.... .J equals this great dispersal of color. or does any other flow ent : s ite Sapa Pile? Ae Bee tion is given regarding the description of Iris mea - self Delcatissine A eeey incely Pp recent | like it 19 aye Corporal—Unique blend of pink, yellow and lavender..... 29 Romoia—Deep pink lavender bicolor. Scented. Beautiful....... . 19 proach its capacity to blend so many colors on an Padigitusl bloom one Gollection.of Tris is sibo waee Ee ; + is an Iris of uniform color; a bicolor has standards of Demi Deuil—S. pansy violet; F. red violet. Fragrant, unique... 19 Mie tea mauve violet. Ruffled, good, fragrant..... 19 Roseway—Deep pink lavender. Fragrant. Orange beard........ . i9 | Artists and botanists agree that the Iris Shah Jehan (in this col- ; Cononsiiun: Eup bons» cr apenpioe seg Safe Na acc Cretoniey bare one color and falls of a deeper shade of the same color; ¢Depute Nombiot—Coppery-red and dusky bronze. Aristocratic 19 Lord en nese colored, veined and peppered violet........ 9 Rose Madder—Brilliant rose madder, velvety falls 19 lection) displays seven colors blended on its petals. de Neuilly, Elizabeth Egelberg and Trail’s End. a variegata has falls of red, brown or red-purp! and Desert Gold—Light yellow, deeper at center, luminous and pleas- ig Lord of Hate Bie tee oe ae As pein fete eee 19 ne Seep aA a) pene aac light blue .............. -19 Inviti 1 Coll . } * standards of some shade of yellow, a plicata is al i amin ee Tie : ee " scddish’ eee , feanient: ee oe 49 parsley 5. yellow; F. raisin purple. Showy, evenly Papa nS Rey Wings? Blending’ on oan ce dnd pis ae aie a “$0 These worth pining 2 ae eons ree | Very Late Collection $1.52 for $1 white flower marked or stippled with a dar! Dimity—S. white; F. white deeply veined mauve. Fragrant... a Moe ee ae Lg ee toned. Fragrant......... 119 RotaeRutied wonee of! the mosiest¥ il... .. 0.5... <ecsateoss.. 19 || Bovites your garden for many rat ete Their POLSNHAL hes oS | oe paeeties ae pepe eee The me ees ip an ieacabegle Siete o's : fe a aie ; Sere inthel oy 7 ya ee aa 3 ve to rich velvety raisin purple.................. : Royal Coach—Yellow plicata bordered brown .................. ; . * 5 < : eauty | bearded Iris, an elp to prolong the Iris fiowering season. particularly on the margins; an amoena has | ee eee pink, plea baer or eed. Pee ould a Mie—S. and F. white, frilled violet. Good. Fragrant... aA Ralivde Rich iccotbeddish violebburple < Biccive incmasse... | in Pikes i da ale and sweet fragrances make them the best | Azure, Blue Jay, Rheintraube, Imperator, Midwest, W. J. Freyer, standards and colored falls; a blend is a combination of Dora Langdon—A yellow and pink blend, rich colors....--- a Mere ae blue ent chp Sweet scented. Desirable .19 aut Lite palida station, rose purple color ............. 19 | ae deen mente? Se ea ea Phebus and Monsignor. 3 ices Spat hee ; —Soft rose and dahlia carmine..................... y Ruth Pollock—Yellow plicata dotted d Y : : Dreha! eae errno to the standards or upright top Kroyer Meaty lee, Eaermcdiate rained bacaeites a4 pe rmere ieee. oe eo h asd Soa irtdeterete ease Hos sere 13 Ds pee eee aes “a Hood aon ee ae am hts | attterslow Collection- $1.52 for $1 | Take Notice a i s 1} v 00) D setz——Tovs li ; hite ; pansy-violet. - —Dwarf. Tops violet; falls purple black. Free b! £ Ruby Queen—A light purple with ruby-like finish............... 9 hen the sun has gone to rest in the west, then the afterg i i petals; F. refers to the falls which are lower or hanging Doe eee Sees ad Bs = BR ced : 19 Mary Barnett—Light eenace prominent bright gold heart 3 uth Pfeiffer—White and delicate lavender. Fragrant ...... hs lights the sky, and as the shadows fall, the Afterglow Iris Sipe Six collections for $5—all to one address or each to = ae : SP opt ne : sful... -19 *Mary Geddes—Soft pi lai right golden beard... .19 R. W. Wallace—S. rich violet; F. almost black 1 “7. "| all with its fragrant lavender and buff color: | g separate address. petals. Dream—Decidedly finest of all pink Iris. Fragrant. Graceful ¥y Geddes—Soft pink, overlaid Pomeranian red............. 19 t; BF. almo: Jack purple)... ...... 19 3 . Be s; ~ You can have a complete garden with Irises alone, but Dr. C. H. Mayo—A red toned bicolor. Fragrant. Popular...... -19 Mary Gibson—S. bronzy old rose; F. old rose. Scented. . "19 Sachem—Called a perfect Ivis. Rich, dazzling red bi-color...... .19 Afterglow, Aurora, Cinnabar, Clio, Gen. de Wett, Snow White, ——————————————— “ pecs’ & : Sears Dr. Crenshaw—A very fragrant dwarf shaded Burgundy-wine.. -19 Mary Orth—S. blue violet; F. flaring darker blue. Scented . 4 Sacramento White, heavily stitched) red) purplevedge:soe a). - «. 19 and "Fres. Pilkington: you cannot have a complete garden without then Dr. Mantor—A yellow toned red bicolor from Fryer....-...- A9 Marsh Marigold—S. Golden yellow; F. deep purple-brown ..__ 1! *San Francisco—The large white blossoms are edged lavender blue .19 | > . TRUE WATER IRIS The varieties starred (*) are included in the best hundred Duke of Bedford—Brilliant, rich violet purple. Scented, large. 19 May Rese—Pink toned self, heavily veined lavender Santa Barbara—Light toned blue lavender. Beautiful. Great... .19 Autumn Flowering Coilection— Pseudacorus—lIs the bright, golden yellow Iris that will grow i Aarenhorst—Dark violet bicolor, with light edged F. $.19 Dusk—S. lavender; F. deep maroon. Brilliant golden beard im Meldoric—A domed blue-black with golden beard Selene— Very large silvery white. Selene means the Moon Goddess .19 water. Its leaves are tall, graceful and very Sonaneneale she’ 15 Acacia Rose—A rose-pink Iris that travels with the popul: oup 19 Dusky Maid—Deep red purple. Very striking. Fragrant 1g Melrose—Light lavender-purple, bright orange beard Seminole—Best of all the red purples; rich. Scented. Showy... .19 $1.52 for $1 Other varieties which ewillic benvititeambist=locahonsmonmes 3 Afterglow—Misty lavender pink, buff and yellow. Frag 19 E. B. Williamson—Lustrous coppery rose. Exquisitely fragrant 19 Medrano—S. Reddish-copper; ¥. dark reddish-purple Senlac—Clear claret red. Tall RSE Sere a ay Oy Sea oy The following Iris bloom profusely in the sprin d int tates, marshes, along the margin of rane penne eo n as Alabaster—A clear white with flaring falls. Floriferc ie is perth Clecr lavender blue pelts eee ere mi per kira hk arse pink blend. Perfectly formed cee ee pee, ate! substance, bonental falls.... .19 fall. They are double duty plants. All the Rowers re fecgedut Be water gardens: sag Pens 2 eae Albert Victor—Rich violet flower. Vigorous, very fragrant ol . Michel—Bright petunia violet. Ruffled. Very fragrant ~ “iidwest—RKuftied, white, flushed and edged purple eae sequoiah— Gorgeous) combination! of red-bumtjand deep) yellow ...= 19 Southland, White Autumn King, i t Emperor—(Orientalis) beautiful dark blue, Fascinati Albright—The new orchid-pink Iris that pleases 19 Egypt—Bronzy violet, good substance.........-. vee BSS a Mildred Presby—S. pink white; F. rich velvety rose purple Nee Shah Jehan—Amoena type with seven distinct colors... ........ .19 | King Jr., October Opera aad Lieut: Ghasknaieseas pesdorvelt Ultre, Snore Re pesatitn white. Combines pest x eee a ae Aleazar—S. violet, tinted bronze; F. reddish purple. Early. Sweet 19 El Capitan—Manganese violet. Flaring falls. Fragrant. Noble 1 Miranda—Bluish violet metallic sheen. Early, tall, stately Shekinah—S. and F. pinard yellow. The first good yellow. .... .19 i € Perry’s Blue—Bright sky blue, veined lighter. Landscaping | Ji Alfheim—Violet blue bicolor with light stripe through F. 19 E. L. Crandali—Light blue toned Iris. Very fragrant 18 Mirasol—A distinctive pure chrome-yellow pee ORES Oey Sherwin-Wright—Bright golden yellow, free flowering, good.... .19 Bea t C Mt ti 1 52 ” : s ping .- 15 Alice Harding—Soft satin yellow i er 24 Eldorado—Blend of yellow, heliotrope and violet.” Fragrant 19 Miss Eardley—S. yellow; F. red lavender. Excellent in mass... 19 Shogun—One of the Nichol’s type of red Iris. Good............. 19 u y Oiiec ion—$ . for $1 : Ua er ST eer Allan Hoyt—Warm butt, reddish maroon. .. -19 sdgewood—Deep pinkish lavender bicolor. Fine garden effect ri Mist—-A blue Iris from Foster. Loved everywhere Sedrneias ss pA Ree andy claret. DEOWR tons hs aes merce aes 40 To add to the charm of life, give us greater love for beautiful AS A few clumps of peonies in your garden or Aliies—Smoky wine blend. Fall bloomer -19 Eleanor Roosevelt—Purple self, fall bloomer ; . H Mithras—Yellow wine red, veined white. Scented. Distinctive 19 SS ae ned flower of clear blue ...................... +30 flowers. 5 eonie perennial border usually give lasting pleasure Alliquippa—Attractive light yellow in garden effect <a Eiizabeth Egelberg—Mauve pink with heavy orange beard ls Mme. Cecile Boucast—-Soft orchid pink iS) IRS : 19 Sikh—Tones of fawn, copper and Old Fee Ate ated omnes 5 oy 19 Buto, Eventide, Eldorado, Heart 0’ Gold, Glowing Embers, Mme and beauty. Allure Canary yellow, overlaid opalescent pink. Ruffled petals “t9 Empire—Bright fmpie yellow. Fine, Fragrant i Mme. Chereau —Prized since 1844. White frilled blue. Ruffied _ 19 Simone Vaissiere—Silky white, brilliant aniline blue ........... . 19 Cheri, Tamar and Tropie Seas. , est In planting, be careful not to cover the roots too deep; the eyes *Alta California—Deep yellow faintly bronzed 19 Endymion—A deep cream and lavender fawn. Fragrant . ‘ime. Cheri—Violet ; pink and yellow undertone. Pleasing color 19 Sindjxa—Deep lavender, buff to purple. Fragrant ............ 19 ° é or buds shouid not be covered more than two inches. Peonies like Amanecer—Yellow peaches and cream blend os ba 19 Eothen—Large. Soft ivory yellow 19 Mme. Chobout-—Cream, buff and pink edged lilac. Fragrant 19 Sir Galahad—S. and F. pansy violet. Tall, large, fragrant..... 19 Champion Collection $1 52 for $1 fer EIS seotec nie +, Urcentery: Mabe aacuned: by. theamot tog maaeaas Amenti—Petals are ecru and soft lilac, delightfully ruffled 19 Esplendido—Bright red purple bicolor. Gorgeous... Soe Mme. DeSevinge—White edged pink lavender. Beautiful. 19 Sir Michael—S. light blue; F. rich red-brown suffused purple. 19 Wis . use of well rotted barn yard manure or commercial fertilizer. The Ambassadeur—Rich reddish violet, velvety purple. Fragrant “19 Esterel—-Deep orchid pink self, shaded yellow at base “19 Mime t@audichaie = Rich waluetyaviclet purple) (Secnten eee 13 Snow Whice—Snow white, with soft green markings ........ “19 A man told the local minister that he would not go to church as owner alone can judge. F Ambo a Iris aires a ey 4 a i | Euphony—Rufiled, color m d yellow. Much liked a ime. Lows Areau—Lovely soft rosy heliotrope................ “49 Seley at lilac-rose self. Many blooms on tall stem....... . 19 eek Sree eye hypocrites attended. The minister said: “there | Adolphe Rousseau—Rich, dark red. Tall. Karly 3.50 ¢ Ambrosia—Light pink, silvery white with golcen bear oly - Eventiae—A self of Hay’s lilac. Very much liked .. . me. Maurice Lassailly—Attractive blue bicolor ...... ._.. Ry Solona—S. lemon yellow; F. rich Bordeaux. Good variegata. 9 ay ae r one more.’ Albert Crouse—Soft, shell-pink. Fr aR ae 3 Anne Boleyn—Fine blue bicolor, contrasting orange beard Pee 419 eEvolution—Copper-bronze. Exquisite........ > Ree oe 19 Moliere—S. violet blue; F. velvety violet. ‘Scented: Large te Sonalo—S. olive buff; F. pale lilac, an outstanding uleadaccs ae i9 And isn’t there room in your garden for another collection of Iris? Aswiieen vas Sediienetenns sieabted Out he ee iG ae ea pis F. dablia- saunas. Seer et bernie! 43 Fairy—Early. White bordered biue. The most fragrant Iris 19 Monsignor—Deep velvety, brownish purple. Fragrant. Late Seas Southern Cross—From New Zealand. Fawn to purple.......... . 49 Raa oreMets Challenger, Crusader, Majestic, Mary Gibson, Avalanche—Large white. Delightfully fragrant. Late. —-.A0 Ppa ea aks 5 Rem Etat aaa —_ pile So eerneene ett to Sets eatin he best pe pe at eat) gatis pronzed red-violet Vee ees thos ners Reece! peas Bee ead and a pee golden yellow....... -19 ym ee Agee | Baroness Schroeder—Delicate flesh-white. Rose fragrance _ “46 = - Great v ! Ad . B. Schermerhorn—Biue toned lavender. good one . : Morning Glory—Red toned bicolor... .....0-........ sick *, 1e—Brilliant red-brown blend ....... See eri, 29 : é ; Charles Verdier—A free and reliab] ee Anta. et aah Bah eRe Sass Pend 13 pee era tote sate bine lavender. ae ae good ie gaat golden yellow; F. yellow, white veined purple — 43 ae ok ees ef welvety purple. Even in tone and texture..... 19 Churchmouse Collection—$1.52 for $1 | Edulis Superba—Very early, en eee ‘Sol eneeee 79 F : : 2 % ‘lammenschwert—Gorgeous yellow and brown. Fragran aris ue Monal—Golden buff and violet. .....2. 70 2 Ui oe “4s Steepway—Blended pink, tan, lavender. Fragrant. Good....... .19 i i : : k : 5 Felix Crousse—C] ili ¢ id rae Apache—A new Indian red color. Attractive. Scented. Good... -14 | f#lorentina—-Creamy white flushed lavender, orange beard. Fra- Moonbeam—Early. Sulphur yellow self................... Sei tay, of Sunlight—Finest yellow. Superb under artificial Beeeaeeune,. 8 natiicallye eee abe’ i tenecs voce a food Per ttiends.. We are | Festied Marine “Putese white flecked comumemntecic “ i: en ee ee re rah dried AB tly ar Re ; grant -. f ne Se 1 Mbory ious eek yellow blend-R air) Sei ee LS gexting pas ae ike gold cloth; F. same suffused blue. Scented..... 19 ing Tris are pleasing some rather than others. The follow- Fragrant. ta . : rata y- 20 . lolet, velvety raisin) purple... harly. Srserat 19. Foster’s Yellow—An early rich yellow self toned .... : Moonlizht—Giant silvery white. Early. Fragrant = tai usan Bliss—Exuuisite and delicate shad lil ag ie pee ; 5 a a pot ies tar cE Eins GREE TASS aye yt c Argynnis—Yellowish, dark violet carmine. Tall vigorous, late “19 | Fra Angelico—A sunset effect gold, with blue flush on falls AY Moon Magic—A tall Aer ‘soft yellow tet aS Tonia lars Sussanne Autissier—Blue purple Bicone pee sane yeaa etal +19 Pl eheenes Beau Ideal, Churchmeuse, Gold Imperial, Venus de Milo, | Be ja ae Siant pink that is. very Bieasmg. o.-- 40 p Arlington—S. rosy-lavender; F. bright reddish-violet. Tall 19 ; . T ondert Fi 3 oo yellor s with fragrance ..... .19 Su. } 5 grant. Beautiful. . Talisman, Gleam and Chausseur ‘ | Frances Willard—Pure white, showing golden stamens. Lat 46 ——* pone sured ae ight read ‘a ye Hie. Bhebmost wonderful fragrance 19 Moonstone—Soft luminous blue. Pleasing. Fragrant 19 Sweet Lavender—Lavender with pink flush. Ruffled. Fragrant... ; are iets at Se | Golden Harvest—Soft pink, petals of salmon and yellow € F rnolds—Re toned, medium nize spas aoe aah aga sis ei potted and veined reddish-purple eae 19 Morning Snlendor—S. light purple; F. rich velvety red-purple 19 Taffeta—Has the appearance of changeable blue and gold silk.. FE t C He np Bees q . | Grandiflora—Large, soft, shell-pink, shadi t ee gy) 29 ora aR ite gig ania . dark violet. Tall, stately..... 4 Sie. e iden ere aus aes on ae AS Mother-of-Pearl--S. and F. pearly lavender. Scented, stately 19 *Talisman—Subtle blending of red, yellow, pink and chamois... . ragrant UGilect fo od. Jeanne d’Arc—Soft pink with yellow Seah pects Oe eee eee eee ie See satya withing Mewes -|-oMtes, ‘Alay Gren belies purt wise: Delkehte. Fragrant 2-4 Reman e fines song inne Goad form, Lovely color’ #80) of'gamehine and the be ot the space ae Feemmeng one, of the bare Athene—One of the very best pure white. Large ..... 1-9 9-19 | vro—S. Empire yellow; F. rich, velvety oxblood. Fragrant..... 19 Mes. A. S. Host— fas rplist lilac. Desirable. Fragrant. 19 °{ Tenebrae—Fine form. §. mauve-purple; F Nene oe 4 cachweraitunaweryapledsi : > 2 = islways Glorious—Creamy white, rose fragran Aurea—100 years old and one of the best yellows. Fragrant .;. .19 l a Wear ier aid one, Tho s 4 teers As Sea ovt—S. purple; F. white edged violet. Good .. 1 Thel —_ pi shud peer pe nman ok sha pe round, red-purple .. . ach emit a very pleasing fragrance. Your nose knows. Loveliness—Very late pink...... ike os fe Rnrora. Self calseal chphikish’ lilac: Beautiful toned o "19 pence ae sore ar one pee rane feercr A ae era ticl ew ee ve imal : Tite Cietntic aie ieee tee ee siehamrepebtayy-s vpycie <tet Aan Wes eect Alcazar, Caprice, Fairy, Fragrans, Leota, Ma Mie ee cae A wonders flower of purest white. Fragrant _ 75 Autumn Haze—30 in. Largest spring and fa oomer, violet... .19 Cay eHuscar—S Plewion. chrome ppaeede iat “plaodirades ile acne Spo TOM Id; F. brilliant brick re Tom! Tit—A: dark blue toned Iris £ u Bes hess arctan Aphr . uongfellow—Brightest crimson with a cherry tone a 3 ae —_E eae ehecall do... 2i6ae 215 say tuss 5. non ch ; F. deep velvety oxblood red. Mrs. Marion Cran—A brilliant light rose, tal! and stately . area : e toned Iris from Bliss of England ....... Martha Bulloch—Sil l-pink ig itONdeen nos ees The Seeean ee ee cane aa eee: : 19 PL ob wich ned purple Gaston ann toe te Joc ay Mrs. Tinley—Large violet-blue with golden blotch ae Tr rig leg A, prea ey veinm iO, OE oh Gold Coliection—$1.52 for $1 Min igh cLaechaiancicrim ate coma eee te Autumn Queen—Blooms in fall. White. Intermediate form .... 19 aoKgd=-An early, bright,.oreHiditeed Aowiesing, pin: \Geonwee 219 *Mrs. Valerie West—S. lavender bronze; F. rich crimson a Trianoa—Pale buff touched rose "Distin a ee ag pes es The golden or yellow toned varieties placed am Milbn Hill—Lilac rose with tints of salmon pink............ 58 Avatar—S. buff; F. pansy violet, 3 ft. Fragrant, brilliant -- 19 Geo. J. Tribolet—Black, violet, dark red purple. Scented newts Mrs. Walter Brewster—Light toned lavender, veined brown Be Tristram—The only Ivis that is near hit abe Oe) CO5OT aac 19 varieties emphasizes the beauty of them all Pat aaa ene Mme, Crousse—Uniform pure white, petals flecked crimson “44 th epee fe 4 bicolor, free meet es Late $3 Se srahine. Pertiis——Rich violet purples ehyved. fraptareeeme “19 hi Sead re eatin ers rose purple, orange beard. Fragrant .1% Troost—Beautiful rosy pink Taree} tall, pillient 7 PES, a Amber, Colias, Citronella, Nebraska, Old Gold Queen Flavia, Sun. One pe gh sa ie: with golden glow........ 56 : ur—S. light lilac; F. maroon purple Re: 7 1 Coren The old blue Hag.of our grandmother's, day.) Early... .19 Nadime—Blue toned and beautiful. A sood grower : mer -19 Tropic Seas—Rich, velvety, blue Sokal katie tia orice wee eee : set and Primrose. 4 : es F ‘inalis Rubra—The grand old Memorial Day red peony of *Baldwin--A peculiar but lovely shade of violet. Very large Gen a o ag DiUe 7 ther y. Early... Naney Orne—Delightful red purple with fawn-pink effect 19 Anat MCE, y, blue purple. Large, fragrant........ 19 grandmothers’ gardens i 3 Ns = pees * aS wyrete ety ~ 419 ieritrude—Harly, deep blue, sweet scented, long in flower....... . N Bri : he E : vp eilec » ld o23os ringer—Tall light pink. Lovely and enchanting ........ 2 : Phiilli SPs PES ee SA SA aS Beara hg ars oS 50 Se lavender bicolor. Commanding, fragrant |. Aes 16 Giant Paldye iA spe wiper Hoes of brilliant blue. ae “19 Nenad eet oe aeiny gat Fran 5 Bae BH Paeccne Canes Neti er blue yoscnnen: Frilled. Scented... Gor geous Collection—$1.52 for $1 Brtones “Golfer sat CeO Sater shapes 85 : ci : is —Tops old gold; right -mauve. T: ; 5 3 k effect ; aie — : i A “Lang as « 5 a . ated...:: Barbars—Dwarf, gray, olive veining. Fragrant. Floriferous... “19 meek Sha aS a if Sts right crimson-mauve. Ta =H Navajo—Yellow, Tem eduaelased Din balake mGrontcam@icorouaditct® Uitras Vig Gass tenes Sys os es pe ase a oH ieee Baie aa es was wiven ey fees we might say pleasant cog Bement Sof, pink flowers of splendid ee aici ts aron Kochi—Deep red purple an ree fi € “vines ol Pah Pe ys ey) BS ea - ane Pe per a A i e Nebraska—/ “ji > 7, if 5 pp as > a Sts b UM Tally ee ee eens ° ; = . 480 1U 1s only by th RES 3 her, ink. ’ Wy ect a =a SP i an Beau Ideal—White, heavily dotted and edged violet. patie’ van 19 5 malades mate Z olet ana peels tet a sieta ae tater on Nepaeceed ana ee yee eka Pe sah dwarf... a3 Valery Mayer Rich cone ot eee ior eae we cee NY oh Sey we can so describe flowers that you can sept tcen with bene Tourangelle Delicate flesh, pile Beettel a a gn ets on Beau Sabreur—S. aniline yellow; F. lovely velvety oxblood red.- .19 710 rabers—Vio e osing orange center..... * Nene—World’s largest Iris. Lil diiold_ x6: ange 1 ayo te . red color tone. Tall........ 19 mind's eye. Walter Faxon—Coral pink S a : = “Whi li ei zs Ter 19 uoiden—vw with large deep yellow bloom...... ..........- : ; : das Seg ES SS os. 4 629 Valor—Largest, richest, blackish blue-violet........ Avatar, B. Y. i = ~Coral pink, one of the finest........... Tere F ee Pear sil Hees Bape aoe eo het adel a. 3 Golden Hainiet- id gold ; fr Rentéod ved «Osa ye SR Repent on Nibelungen—S. yellow; F. maroon edged lighter. Handsome .. .19 Venus de Milo—Gigantic pure snow aie dave eat, ©. 19 omola, Slecpwa wad Yeo Solona, Fra Angelico, Jean, Chevreau, No Peonies Will Be Shipped During May, June and July - Pee aicor iinagtae te d rk t bl ‘eblackipexpie aifhats Gobelin Ked—Oxblood red. A bright spot in the garden eeee19 Nimbus—Pragrant, beautiful. Tall, stately, violet purple - 19 Vesper Gold—Distinct yellow with soft violet flush ............. . ; ss ee eee nc, ea ow eae? Meee es 3 19 Goiden Promise Good ycilow, bronze veins at theaae Rech 115 Nee ee ee See oa ae en ed ix ae Nie cau? See A beautiful. S. pure white; BF vivid violet... os Giant Bloom Collection. $1 71 f $1 Four Peony Plants $1 : east pO oer te 22" there SP pe ee ek Fees s wet face Si is ty peers By ane emtran 8 ee Niryana—Lobelia violet with orange beard. igorous: 0% 2.2. 19 *Waconda—Deep red self ok ie at a or ’ Black Douglas—One of the best of the black purples.........--- 29 Golden West—Color is uright golden yellow. ...............+-.+ 3.00 Nokoniise Sela lela candcnsehinonale ep Attracti Wath eee cae hh Gd eck eee Oy 19 Nie ¢ ° Each a diff t z ‘ ek Wings—Act lor is midnight blue, with frosty lustre.. .19 Gold Imperia!—Bright clear uniform rich yellow coloring ....... 19 REE ee Oe ee RRR eee ce tractive. ..... +19 aihalia—S. lavender; F.